We are between worlds.
I support parents, educators, and community leaders to build the bridge.
We need tools to bridge our way into a more beautiful world where children, communities, and our souls are whole and free.
The existing systems we’ve relied on feel tight, agitating, and unsustainable. And although we may glimpse the potential of new systems, they feel fleeting and still far away from our daily lives.
Where are you in this imaginal moment between worlds?
What do you long to create, express, and build in the coming years?
What dreams do you hold for your children and the child within yourself?
Is your soul nudging you to unfold into new ways of work, family, and community?

I’m here alongside you in this moment of collective emergence.
Yes, it’s murky and messy. It’s also rich in mycelial rooting of hope and remembering.
If you…
want to nurture your children as whole and free amidst the mixed messages in the world…
have an idea you’d love to form into something that matters for the liberation of others…
sense a calling to create change within pockets, cracks, and new openings…
hold a vision of a new way and need support to stay grounded and attuned to what you know…
yearn to connect more deeply with your soul’s truest expression…
let’s work together…
…to bridge into the new paradigm
where our children, communities, and soulful expressions are
whole and free.

I’m Melissa.
I am a teacher who spent the first 23 years of my career working to create change in the pockets and cracks of existing schooling systems. I’ve spent the past 7 years dissolving out of the logics of such systems as I’ve stretched into remembering, listening, and sharing liberatory, holistic practices for children, parents, educators, and organizations. I’m also a creative writer for adults (poetry, essays, nonfiction) and children (picture books). And I lead my own creative business through attunement to the energetic aliveness of interconnection and trust in the more-than-human realms.
I specialize in attention to process: How we go about the things we do and where we place our attention, how children learn, how trust supports communities of practice, how curiosity thrives over judgment, how deeply we let ourselves notice, wonder, listen, reflect, play, revise, unknow, be slow, and connect with the miraculous beings all around us. It is our attunement to the aliveness of process that bridges us into the more beautiful world.